When writers think of publishing, they often picture a physical book, but there are many different ways to share shorter pieces, expand readership, and join the ranks of the “published.”
Participants will learn about various ways to see their words in “print” (virtually or on actual paper) and get an overview of the steps they can take right now to find readers who will enjoy their work. A printed handout will be available for all registrants.
VICTORIA LYNN SMITH writes fiction and nonfiction. She is a Hal Prize fiction winner. Her work has appeared in Brevity Blog, 8142 Review, Persimmon Tree, 45th Parallel, Rathalla Literary Review, Bullshit Lit, and Mason Street Review, among others. Her first collection of short stories will be published in February 2027 by Cornerstone Press at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. She lives at the western tip of Lake Superior, a source of inspiration and happiness.
KIM SUHR is the author of the story collections Nothing to Lose and Close Call, both published by Cornerstone Press at the University of Wisconsin at Stevens Point. Her work has appeared in various journals and has won awards, most recently the Jade Ring from the Wisconsin Writers Association. Kim is also Director of Red Oak Writing where she leads critique groups, provides individual manuscript editing, and teaches a prompt-writing class called Time to Write! She lives and writes in Southeastern Wisconsin.